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Post  King Camacho Thu Jun 17, 2010 8:02 pm

June 16 2010
1st Quarter - Advanced Algebra
2nd and 3rd Quarter - Trigonometry
4th Quarter - Statistics

June 17 2010
Language, Notation and Numbers in Mathematics
  1. Natural Numbers - most basic numbers, denoted by N
    ex. {1,2,3,...}

  2. Whole Numbers - natural numbers with zero(0), denoted by W
    ex. {0,1,2,3,...}

  3. Integers - denoted by Z
    A. Positive - greater than zero
    ex. {1,2,3,...}

    B. Negative - less than zero
    ex. {-1,-2,-3,...}

  4. Rational Numbers - fractions and mixed numbers, denoted by Q
    ex. {1 1/2,3/5,2/3,...}

  5. Irrational Numbers - denoted by H

  6. Real Numbers - all rational and irrational, denoted by R

Math Notes Number12 Fig. 1
{} - braces, denotes set
… - ellipses, denotes pattern of continuous indefinitely
∈ - denotes element
⊆ - denotes subset
⊂ - denotes proper subset
∅ - null set or empty braces
, - to separate elements of the set

June 18 2010
  1. algebraic term - collection of factors that may include numbers, variables or expressions within parentheses
  2. constant - a term that consists of non-variable number
  3. variable - a symbol, commonly a letter, used to represent unknown quantity
  4. coefficient - constant factor of a term
  5. algebraic expression - a single term or a sum or difference of terms
    *Proper subset - all the elements of a set

Reading Notations:
Q={p/q|p, q ∈ Z;q≠0}
Q is set of p over q such that p and q element of integers where q is not equal to zero
*| - such that
*; - where

Last edited by belly on Thu Jul 01, 2010 9:39 pm; edited 1 time in total

King Camacho

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Post  King Camacho Tue Jun 22, 2010 8:13 pm

June 21 2010
Relations - a correspondence between two sets
.............- can be represented using (A) Mapping Notation, (B) Bar Graph, (C) Ordered Pair, ...............and (D) Rectangular Coordinate System or Cartesian Plane

    A. Mapping Notation
    Math Notes Exampl12 Fig. 2

    B. Bar Graph
    Math Notes Exampl13 Fig. 3
    *Math Notes Squigl10 - denotes zero-n, used when it does not start from zero(ex. years)
    *x - independent
    _y - dependent

    C. Ordered Pairs
    __..(2008, 50) (2009, 100) (2010, 150) (2011, 225)

    D. Cartesian Plane or Rectangular Coordinate System
    __..-used in the same way

June 22 2010
Function - a relation that pairs each element from the domain with exactly one element from the range
Ex. Determine whether a relation is a function.
    ...Math Notes Exampl14 Fig. 4

    ...Math Notes Exampl15 Fig. 5

    C. (1,2) (2,3) (3,4) (4,5)

    ...Math Notes Exampl16 Fig. 6.1
    ...*Vertical Line Test - a graph is a function if and only if every vertical line intersects
    ...the graph at most one point
    ...Math Notes Exampl17 Fig. 6.2

Finding the value of function f(x) = 2x2-3x
  1. ƒ(3) = 2(3)2-3(3)
    ƒ(3) = 18-9
    ƒ(3) = 9
  2. ƒ(-2) = 2(-2)2-3(-2)
    *f(-2) ≠ ƒ•(-2)
    ƒ(-2) = 14
  3. ƒ(-x) = 2(x)2-2(-x)
    ƒ(-x) = 2x2+3x
  4. ƒ(x+1) = 2(x+1)2-3(x-1)
    ƒ(x+1) = 2(x2+2x+1)-3x-3_____*special product
    ƒ(x+1) = 2x2+x-1

Last edited by belly on Thu Jul 01, 2010 9:41 pm; edited 2 times in total

King Camacho

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Post  King Camacho Wed Jun 23, 2010 8:55 pm

June 23 2010
Domain of Function - largest set of all real numbers for which the value of f(x) is a real number
    Ex. A. ƒ(m) = 3(m)+2
    ... Df = R or m ∈ (-∞,∞) or m = {m|m ∈ R}
    Ex. B. ƒ(x) = 3/x+4
    ... Df = R-{4} or x ∈ (∞,-4) ∪(-4,∞) or x = {x|x≠4}
    Ex. C. ƒ(x) = √2x+3
    ...Note: 2x+3 ≥ 0
    .......... 2x ≥ -3
    .......... x ≥ -3/2
    ... Df = {x|x ≥ -3/2} or x ∈ [-3/2,∞)
    Ex. D ƒ(x) = √4+3x

    ...Note: 4+3x ≥ 0
    .......... 3x ≥ -4
    .......... x ≥ -4/3
    ... Df = {x|x ≥ -4/3} or x ∈ [-4/3, ∞)
    Ex. E ƒ(x) = 3x2+5
    ... Df = R
    Ex. F ƒ(x) = 3/5+x
    ... Df = R - {5}

*Don't mind the extra blue text. There was a glitch so I had to change the color. There's nothing that special about it.

Last edited by belly on Sun Jun 27, 2010 1:40 pm; edited 2 times in total

King Camacho

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Post  King Camacho Thu Jun 24, 2010 11:29 pm

June 24 2010
Operations of Function
ƒ(x) = 3x+4..........g(x) = 2x-3
  1. The sum of ƒ+g is the function defined by ƒ(x)+g(x)
    ...(ƒ+g)(x) = ƒ(x)+g(x)
    _________ = (3x+4)+(2x-3)
    _________ = 5x+1
    Df+g = R
  2. The difference of ƒ-g is the function defined by ƒ(x)-g(x)
    ________ = (3x+4)-(2x-3)
    ________ = x+7
    Dƒ-g = R
  3. The product of ƒ•g is the function defined by ƒ(x)•g(x)
    ...(ƒ•g)(x) = ƒ(x)•g(x)
    ___._____ = (3x+4)•(2x-3)
    _____.___ = 6x2-9x+8x-12
    ______.__ = 6x2-x-12
    Dĥg = R
  4. The quotient of ƒ/g is the function defined by ƒ(x)/g(x)
    ...(ƒ/g)(x) = ƒ(x)/g(x)
    _________= 3x+4/2x-3
    Dƒ/g = R-{3/2}

King Camacho

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Post  King Camacho Wed Jun 30, 2010 2:32 pm

June 29 2010
Analyzing Graph of Function
...A. Even/Odd
.......Even Function (p. 207)
..........-a function ƒ is an even function if and only if for each point (x,y) on
............the graph of ƒ, the point (-x,y) is also on the graph
..........Function Notation: ƒ(-x)=ƒ(x)
*Mirror image with respect to the y-axis.
Math Notes Exampl10 Fig. 7
Ex. Even function, continue.
Math Notes Exampl11 Fig. 8.1
Math Notes Exampl12 Fig. 8.2
Note: When folding, fold on y-axis.
.......Odd Function
..........-a function is an odd function if and only if for each (x,y) on the graph of ƒ the point (-x,-y) is also on the graph
Math Notes Exampl13 Fig. 9
Math Notes Exampl14 Fig. 10
*Mirror image with respect to the point of origin.
Note: When folding, -x-axis on +y-axis.
Math Notes Exampl15 Fig. 11
It does not lie on the point of origin and is not a mirror image with respect to the y-axis.

...B. Increasing/Decreasing
.......Given and interval (I) that is a subset of the domain with x1 and x2 in I and x2>x1
.......Ex. [-3,0] x1:-3 x2:0
.......*a function is increasing at I if ƒ(x2)>ƒx1 for all x1 and x2 in I
.......*a function is decreasing at I if ƒ(x2)<ƒ(x1) for all x1 and x2 in I
.......*a function is constant at I if ƒ(x2) = ƒ(x1) for all x1 and x2 in I
Ex. Given:
I: [0,∞)
Math Notes Given-10 Fig. 12
x1: 1 | __1
x2: 2 | __4

4>1 so the given function is INCREASING at the given interval
*ƒ(s):y axis and s:x axis no matter what letter is used.

Last edited by belly on Mon Jul 05, 2010 7:59 pm; edited 1 time in total

King Camacho

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Post  King Camacho Thu Jul 01, 2010 10:26 pm

July 1 2010
Given: I: (-∞,0]
_____ Fig. 12

x1: -2 | __4
x2: -1 | __1
ƒ(x2)<ƒ(x1) so the function at the given interval is DECREASING
Note: If from left to right the graph goes down, it is decreasing.
____. If from left to right the graph goes up, it is increasing.
Given: I: (-∞,∞)
Math Notes Exampl16 Fig. 13
The function CANNOT BE DETERMINED at the given I.
*Look at graph, use I to know which certain part to look at.
...C. Maximum and Minimum
.......Global maximum-absolute maximum
________________..-names the largest range value over the entire domain
.......Local maximum-relative maximum
________________.-names the largest range value over the specified interval
.......Global minimum-names the smallest range value over the entire domain
.......Local minimum-names the smallest range value over the specified interval
Math Notes Exampl18 Fig. 14
Dƒ: [-7,6]
Rƒ: [0,10]
Global Maximum: (0,10)
Global Minima: (6,0) and (-7,0)

Math Notes Exampl19 Fig. 15
Dƒ: R (because of arrows)
Rƒ: [0,∞)
Global Maximum: N/A (infinity)
Global Minimum: (0,0)

King Camacho

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Post  King Camacho Mon Jul 12, 2010 8:11 pm

July 7 2010
Composition of Function
Given two functions ƒ and g, the composition of ƒ with g is defined by (ƒog)(x) = ƒ[g(x)]
Ex. ƒ(x) = 3x+1
___g(x) = 2x
_____ 1. (ƒog)(x) = 3(2x)+1
_______________.= 3(g(x))+1
_______________.= 6x+1
_____ 2. (goƒ)(x) = 2(f(x))
_______________ = 2(3x+1)
_______________ = 6x+2
Ex. ƒ(x) = 2x+x
___g(x) = x+1
_____ 1. (ƒog)(x) = 2(g(x))+(g(x))
_______________ = 2(x+1)+(x+1)
_______________ = 2x+2+x+1
_______________ = 3x+3
_____ 2. (goƒ)(x) = (ƒ(x))+1
_______________ = 2x+x+1
_______________ = 3x+1

June 12 2010
Linear and Quadratic Functions
(p.74, 206 and 294)
General Linear Equation
Ax+B = 0
Standard Linear Equation
Ax+By = C
Forms and Formulas for Linear Equation
  1. Slope Formula
    y = mx+b
    Ex. Write the standard form of the equation of each line.
    __y = -7/5x+1
    __5(y+7/5x) = (1)(5)
    __7x+5y = 5

    __7(0)+5y = 5
    __y = 1
    __7x+5(0) = 5
    __7x/7 = 5/7
    __x = 5/7
    Ex. y = 3/2x+5
    __ 2(-3/2x+y) = (5)(2)
    __-3x+2y = 10

    __-3(0)+2y = 10
    __2y/2 = 10/2
    __y = 5
    __-3x+2(0) = 10
    __-3x/-3 = 10/-3
    __x = 10/-3
    *When the slope is positive, the function is increasing.
    *When the slope is negative, the function is decreasing.

King Camacho

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Post  King Camacho Tue Jul 13, 2010 10:20 pm

June 13 2010
Linear Functions
    B. Point-slope Form
    __.y-y1 = m(x-x1)
    __.Ex. A. ♥P(0,5) ♦Q(3,2)
    __. ♥: y-5 = 5-2/0-3(x-0)
    __. y-5 = -1(x-0)
    __. ♦: y-2 = -1(x-3)
    __. Standard Form
    __. ♥: y-5 = -1(x-0)
    __. y-5 = -x
    __. y+x = 5
    __. ♦: y-2 = -1(x-3)
    __. y-2 = -x+3
    __. y+x = 5
    __.Ex. B. ♥ C(3,5) ♦ S(6,8 )
    __. ♥: y-5 = 8-5/6-3(x-3)
    __. y-5 = 1(x-3)
    __. ♦: y-8 = 1(x-6)
    __. Standard Form
    __. ♥: y-5 = 1(x-3)
    __. y-x = 2
    __. ♦: y-8 = 1(x-6)
    __. y-x = 2
    __. x and y intercept
    __. y-x = 2
    __. y-(0) = 2
    __. y = 2
    __. (0)-x = 2
    __. x = -2

Last edited by belly on Wed Jun 15, 2011 9:50 pm; edited 4 times in total

King Camacho

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Post  King Camacho Mon Jul 19, 2010 10:45 pm

July 19 2010
Quadratic Function and its Application
*A quadratic function is in the form of ƒ(x) = ax2+bx+c
*The domain of quadratic function is all R, Dƒ = {x|x∈R}
*Range is to be solved
a>0 Math Notes Figure10 Fig. 16.1
a<0 Math Notes Figure11 Fig. 16.2

Ex. A car manufacturer can produce 15 cars per month. The profit made from the sales of these cars is modeled by p(x) = -0.2x2+4x-3. Where p(x) is the profit in hundred thousand dollars per month and x is the number of cars sold. Based on this model.
a. Find the y-intercept and explain what it means
__p(0) = 0+0-3 = -3
__y-intercept: (0,-3)
__They loose 300,000 dollars if they can't sell the cars
b. How many cars should be made and sold to maximize profit.
__Find vertex(x) = -b/2a = 4/0.4
__∴ 10
c. What is the maximum profit?
__p(10) = -0.2(10)2+4(10)-3
__p(10) = 17
__∴ maximum profit = 1,700,000 dollars

July 20 2010
Axis of Symmetry - vertical line passing through the vertex
*Completing the Square(CS) - (b/2)2
*Quadratic Formula - x=-b±√4ac-b2/2a
*The rest are in the problem set.

Last edited by belly on Mon Aug 02, 2010 11:32 pm; edited 4 times in total

King Camacho

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Post  King Camacho Thu Jul 22, 2010 2:53 am

July 21 2010
Basic Quadratic Formula
ƒ(x) = x2 → opens upward
Math Notes Exampl20 Fig. 17
g(x) = (x-1)2 → ƒ(x) = a(x-h)2
h = 1 (→)
k = -2 (↓)
Ex. m(x) = x2+9x+4
a = 1 b = 9 c = 4
h = -9/2(1) = -9/2 = -4.5
k = 4(1)(4)=92/4(1) = 16-81/4 = -65/4 = -16.25
ƒ(x) = -x1 → opens downward

King Camacho

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Post  King Camacho Sun Aug 01, 2010 7:21 pm

June 27 '10
Polynomial Functions
Long Division
A. (k3-k2-k-2)÷k-2
Math Notes Exampl21
= k2+k+1

B. (-8x4+36x3+14x2+25x+25)÷x-5
Math Notes Exampl22
= -8x3-4x2-6x-5

C. (r3+2r2-33r+7)÷r+7
Math Notes Exampl23
= r2 - 5r +2 - 7/ r + 7 or r2 - 5r + 2, R: -7

D. (8v5+324_5v+20)÷v+4
Math Notes Exampl24
= 8v4 + 5

Synthetic Division
Math Notes Exampl25 Fig. 18
= k2+k+1
*2 is the negative coefficient of the divisor

Math Notes Exampl26 Fig 19
= -8x3-4x2-6x-5

Math Notes Exampl27 Fig. 20
= 8v4+5

Math Notes Exampl28 Fig. 21
= r2-5r+2-7/r+7

Factor Theorem
__ For a polynomial P(x)
___ 1. If p(c) = 0, then x-c is a factor of p(x)
___ 2. If x-c is a factor then p(c) = 0
_____A. p(2) = (2)3-(2)2-2-2
___________ = 8-4-2-2
___________ = 0
Remainder Theorem
__If a polynomial p(x) is divided by (x-c) using synthetic division the remainder is equal to p(c)

King Camacho

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Post  King Camacho Tue Aug 24, 2010 10:46 pm

2nd Quarter
Quarter Outline:
  1. Angle Measure, Special Triangles and Angles
  2. Trigonometry of Right Triangle
  3. Unit Circle
  4. Trigonometry of Real Numbers
  5. Graph of sine, cosine, secant, co-secant, tangent and cotangent
  6. Fundamental Identities and Families of Identities
  7. Constructing and Verifying Identities

August 23 2010
Review Triangles and Properties of Triangles
Basic Properties
  1. The sum of the interior angles is 180°
  2. The combined length of any two sides exceeds that of the third.
  3. Larger angles are opposite the larger side.

Similar triangles - all corresponding angles are congruent and corresponding sides are proportional
Math Notes Simila10 Fig. 1
b/f=c/e or b/c = f/e

Special Right Triangles
  • The legs are equal
  • The hypotenuse is √2 times the length of either leg

  • The hypotenuse is 2 times the shorter leg
  • The longer leg is √3 times the shorter leg

August 24 2010
Angle Measure in Radians
*rotation - one side moves
Math Notes Angle_10 Fig. 2
*associates angles with circles and rectangular coordinate system (Cartesian plane)
Math Notes Angle_11 Fig. 3

Co-terminal angles-angles that share an initial and terminal side
Ex. Math Notes Exampl29 Fig. 4
(+) co-terminal --> 360° + 60° = 420°
(-) co-terminal --> -360° + 60° = -300°

Standard Position - position of an angle when the initial side is at positive x-axis
Quadrantal Angle - angle at its standard position and the terminal side coincides with the axes
*All quadrantal angles are central angles
*All angles at standard position are central angles

King Camacho

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Join date : 2009-12-16

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